After four years of hard work and negotiations, Shift360 is very pleased to announce the launch of the Academy of Culinary Arts – Cambodia (ACAC) in Phnom Penh. The ACAC will fill a much-needed void in Cambodia’s hospitality sector as it tackles skills training and employment. The ACAC seeks to upgrade the skills of individuals currently working in hotel and restaurant kitchens in the country and will also offer a two-year certificate in Culinary Arts with the aim of attracting more young people into careers as Chefs.The ACAC is an innovative model and comes at a time where Cambodia is in need of international standards education and skills training in the hospitality industry, a sector which has been growing steadily.Structured as a Public Private Partnership, the first of its kind in Cambodia, the Academy gained US$3.1 million in financial support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Geneva-based Enhanced Integrated Framework/WTO (EIF).The Memorandum of Understanding for the project was signed with SIDA at the Embassy of Sweden in March, 2015 and the recent letter of approval from the EIF fund allows the ACAC to move forward securing tenders for building renovations. The Academy will be housed in the heart of Phnom Penh.Shift360 is currently recruiting for key staff positions which are listed under “Job Vacancies’ on our website.